Chinese CHI 2021

Identity · Value · Trust

认同 · 价值 · 信任

October 16~17, 2021, Online

Registration Q&A Platform Survey
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The Ninth International Symposium of Chinese CHI (Chinese CHI 2021) will be held online on October 16~17. Supported by the International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction (ICACHI), Chinese CHI is steered by a group of globally distributed HCI researchers, practitioners, academics and students concerning about the development of HCI as a thriving field in the global Chinese communities. Chinese CHI serves as a primary forum for connecting the international HCI community to the booming Chinese computing industry.

The theme of Chinese CHI 2021 is Identity, Value and Trust. We welcome discussions on these topics, under an ever-changing global context with fast development of Big Data and AI, and their impact on social transformation.

今年的Chinese CHI以科技进步大背景下的认同,价值和信任为主题。会议将在将在10月16至17日在线召开。由世界华人华侨人机交互协会(ICACHI)举办的这一学术会议已日益成为连接世界范围内的华人HCI学者、学术界和产业界的重要会议。从2012年起,Chinese CHI已分别在巴黎、多伦多、首尔、硅谷、中国广州、加拿大蒙特利尔以及中国厦门成功举办八届。



Program of Chinese CHI 2021 (Beijing Time)

The conference will be live-streamed via Bilibili and Youtube. The public can access it for free and ask questions via the platforms. Program language information - panels are in Chinese, other sessions are in English.

Date Time Schedule
Oct. 16 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM Opening Ceremony
9:10 AM - 9:20 AM Introduction to ICACHI
9:20 AM - 10:20 AM Opening Keynote
Silvia Lindtner: The Entrepreneurial Factory: Labor, Race, and Colonial Durabilities in Technology Innovation

Brief Intro: Drawing from over ten years of ethnographic research, Dr. Lindtner will discuss the role the promise of technological innovation plays in contemporary governance and shifting geopolitics in and between China and the US. She will introduce the concept of the entrepreneurial factory to demonstrate how the kind of labor exploitation that is common in the innovation industry has become adopted by and normalized in other industries from manufacturing to agricultural production in the name of progress, the good life, happiness, and future making. Centering the experience of Chinese workers in the manufacturing and innovation industries and the racialized and gendered forms of violence they experience, this talk demonstrates that by attending to bodies, labor, and colonial pasts that are necessary to sustain the entrepreneurial factory, technology can be extricated from the seemingly endless cycle of promise and violence.

Brief Bio: Silvia Lindtner (she/her) is Associate Professor at the University of Michigan in the School of Information and Associate Director of the Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing (ESC). Lindtner draws from more than ten years of multi-sited ethnographic research, exploring China's shifting position in the global political economy of technology production, economic development, and science and technology policy. She is the author of Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation (Princeton University Press, 2020). The book reveals how a growing distrust in Western models of progress and development, including Silicon Valley and the tech industry after the financial crisis of 2007–8, shaped the vision of China as a “new frontier” of innovation. Lindtner’s work contributes to the fields of STS (science and technology studies), cultural and feminist anthropology, China studies, HCI (human computer interaction), global communication studies, science and technology policy, and design. Her research has been awarded support from the US National Science Foundation, IMLS, Intel Labs, Google Anita Borg, and the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation.

10:20 AM - 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Paper Presentation (12 mins presentation + 3 mins Q&A)
  • Yu-Jung Ko, Hang Zhao, Iv Ramakrishnan, Shumin Zhai and Xiaojun Bi.
    Issues Related to Using Finger-Fitts law to Model One-Dimensional Touch Pointing Tasks.
    Stony Brook Univeristy, Google Research.
  • Xin Xin, Yiji Wang, Guo Xiang, Wenmin Yang and Wei Liu.
    Effectiveness of Multimodal Display in Navigation Situation.
    Beijing Normal University.
  • Lijinliang Niu, Zhaopeng Gu, Juntao Ye and Qiulei Dong.
    Real-Time Localization and Matching of Corneal Reflections for Eye Gaze Estimation via a Lightweight Network.
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Huawei.
  • Wenting Cui, Yuanyu Li, Yurui Ma, Liyuan Zhang and Xipei Ren.
    Co-Drink: Exploring Social Support Water Bottles to Increase the Hydration Status of Individuals with Intimate Relationship.
    Beijing Institute of Technology.
  • Zhiping Zhang, Helen Korving, Emilia Ivanova Barakova, Sterkenburg Paula and Loe M.G Feijs.
    Peripheral Display for Conveying Real-time Pain Condition of Persons with Severe Intellectual Disabilities to their Caregivers.
    Eindhoven University of Technology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
11:45 AM - 14:00 PM Lunch Break
14:00 PM - 15:00 PM LBW Presentation (5 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&A)
  • Zhenhui Peng, Chuhan Shi and Xiaojuan Ma.
    Exploring User Experience and Design Opportunities of Desktop Social Virtual Reality for Group Learning Activities.
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • Xiaoliang Zhao, Zihan Deng, Mengmeng Jin, Xiaopeng Li, Wei Zhang, Minghua Jin, Fangtian Ying, Qi Wang and Guanyun Wang.
    Segara: Integrating Serious Games and Handgrip for Hand Rehabilitation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.
    Zhejiang University, Maizi Design, Tongji University.
  • Xiaoliang Zhao, Jia Chen, Jinhui Li, Mengmeng Jin, Zihan Deng, Xiaopeng Li, Wei Zhang, Minghua Jin, Fangtian Ying, Qi Wang and Guanyun Wang.
    MultiPneu: Inflatable Deformation of Multilayered Film Materials.
    Zhejiang University, Tongji University.
  • Yuzhen He, Yong Hu, Huiyan Feng, Chuchen Li and Xukun Shen.
    Comparative Analysis of 3D Interactive Modes in Different Object Layouts in Mixed Reality.
    Beihang University.
  • Yi Ji, Shengyang Zhong, Bin Zhang and Clark Sean.
    Constructing Embodied Interaction of Intangible Cultural Heritage Course through Immersive Virtual Reality.
    Guangdong University of Technology.
  • Nini Lin, Lin Lin and Yingying She.
    "Xiaoyu from the Stars": An interactive popularization design to let people know about autistic children.
    Xiamen University.
15:00 PM - 16:00 PM Academic Panel: Chinese value and identity in HCI (In Chinese)

娄永琪 : 同济大学副校长、设计创意学院教授、院长、博士生导师,瑞典皇家工程科学院院士。

付志勇 : 清华大学美术学院信息艺术设计系长聘副教授,博士生导师,清华大学中意设计创新基地副主任, 世界华人华侨人机交互协会会长。

丁向华 : 复旦大学计算机学院副教授, 研究领域涉及人机交互,计算机支持的协同工作和普适计算。

陆志聪 : 香港城市大学计算机系助理教授,研究领域涉及人机交互,社会计算和计算机辅助交互。

Oct. 17 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Dialogue with Zhai Shumin and Ren Xiangshi (In Chinese, 30 mins discussion + 15 mins Q&A)

翟树民 : 翟树民博士现任谷歌首席科学家 (Principal Scientist)。 1996至2010 在 IBM 阿尔莫丹研究中心任研究员 (Research Staff Member)。2001至2002年在瑞典皇家工学院、瑞典Linkoping大学,法国巴黎11大学做访问教授。 2004年任清华大学计算机系客座讲席教授。 2005 年担任 ACM人机交互大会(ACM CHI)论文委员会联席主席。 2009至2015任ACM人机交互学报 (ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction) 主编。学术论文曾获得 ACM UIST 持久影响奖和 IEEE 计算机学会最佳论文奖。 2006年入选ACM首届杰出科学家(ACM Distinguished Scientist)。 2010 年入选人机交互学院院士 (Member of the CHI Academy)和 ACM Fellow。 2020 入选多伦多大学工程学院荣誉堂 (Engineering Hall of Distinction)。目前(2021年)学术指标: H-Index 76, I10-Index 186, Citations 18658; 美国专利 103 项。

任向实 : 任向实现任日本高知工科大学信息学院终身教授,人机共协研究所所长。日本工程院(the Engineering Academy of Japan)外籍院士,日本情报处理学会会士(Fellow of Information Processing Society of Japan)。 任教授在人机交互领域从事基础研究和教育工作近30年,至今为止,培养了众多包括十多个国家的留学生在内的博士和博士后人才,分别活跃于亚洲、非洲、欧洲、大洋洲。多次获ACM、 IEEE、CCF、IPSJ等学会相关会议和期刊的论文奖。他也是本协会创会会长及终身名誉会长,他曾任IBM Almaden研究中心客座研究员,多伦多大学及国内几所大学的客座教授。近年,任教授着眼于人类社会的未来,思考人类和技术之间的理想关系,提出了基于东方哲学“中庸”的一个新概念:人机共协计算 (Human-Engaged Computing),并正在推动这一新的研究领域。

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Industrial Panel: Revolutionary products require revolutionary user interfaces (In Chinese)

麻晓娟 : 麻晓娟博士是香港科技大学计算机科学及工程学系副教授,是人机交互联合实验室 (Human-Computer Interaction Initiative) 的主要成员之一。 麻晓娟博士是香港科技大学计算机科学及工程学系副教授,是人机交互联合实验室 (Human-Computer Interaction Initiative) 的主要成员之一。她于清华大学计算机科学和技术系获得学士学位,于美国普林斯顿大学计算机系获得硕士和博士学位。博士毕业之后曾先后在新加坡国立大学和美国卡内基梅隆大学做博士后。在2015年加入香港科技大学之前,在香港华为诺亚方舟实验室担任研究员,进行人机交互和信息交互设计方面的研究。她的主要的研究方向是人机协同计算 (human-engaged computing),主要包括人机交互和情感计算,社会和人群计算,普适计算等 ,并涉及教育、健康、设计等多个领域的应用。在ACM CHI, CSCW, UbiComp, IJCAI等学术会议和期刊上发表了一系列论文,并多次获得会议Best Paper和Honorable Mention奖励,获邀在IJCAI2018会议上发表early career spotlight演讲。是多个人机交互、人-机器人交互、普适计算、人工智能会议的会议组织者和程序联合委员会委员。

赵晨 : Head of Natural Human Computer Interaction US Lab, Alibaba. Before Chen joined Alibaba, she was a senior researcher at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) HCI group & Microsoft Office Group. Chen built the first User Experience team in IBM China and has been an avid participant in the ACM SIGCHI community. She is a founder of ACM SIGCHI China Chapter and served as the Vice Chair. Her research interests include Mixed Reality multi-modal interaction design, user research methodologies and culture relevant design.

曹翔 : 人机交互技术专家,现任哔哩哔哩科学家。曾任微软研究院研究员,联想研究院总监,小小牛创意科技CEO。 清华大学学士,多伦多大学博士,剑桥大学Fellow。发表人机交互领域国际学术论文50余篇,申请国内外发明专利50余项。

刘艳芳 : 应用心理学博士,曾就职于摩托罗拉Lab、摩托罗拉手机体验设计中心、中移动研究院,具有多年产品研发用户体验相关研究经验。 组建领导华为CBG软件UX人因研究团队,开展多产品全场景UX人因研究,保障提升华为CBG产品用户体验。

10:45 AM - 10:55 AM Break
10:55 AM - 11:55 AM LBW Presentation (5 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&A)
  • Terri Lee, Tianjie Zhu, Sophia Liu, Linh Trac, Zizhen Huang and Yu Chen.
    CASExplorer: A Conversational Academic and Career Advisor for College Students.
    San Jose State University.
  • Lingyun Sun, Deying Pan, Yitao Fan, Yue Yang, Jiaji Li, Yu Chen, Ye Tao and Guanyun Wang.
    Jellyboard: A Flexible Breadboard for Electronic Prototyping.
    Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University City College.
  • Zhao Liu, Ernuo Cheng, Xinyuan Zhang and Xipei Ren.
    LUNOST: Connected Tangible Messengers for Enhancing Off-Site Parent-Teenager Relationships.
    Beijing Institute of Technology.
  • Nan Chao, Shengge Yang, Yuxian Qin, Zeming Song, Zhaofan Su and Xiaomei Nie.
    AR-Poetry: Enhancing Children's Motivation in Learning Classical Chinese Poetry via Interactive Augmented Reality.
    Tsinghua University.
  • Yunbing Chen, Ke Shen, Gang Yu, Yuehan Qiao, Xiangning Yan and Yingqing Xu.
    Artistic Visualization of Dreams Based on EEG data.
    Tsinghua University.
  • Bingchan Shao, Yichi Zhang, Qi Wang, Xinchi Xu, Yang Zhou, Guihuan Feng and Fei Lv.
    StoryIcon: A Prototype for Visualizing Children's Storytelling.
    Nanjing University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
11:55 AM - 14:00 PM Lunch Break
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM Paper Presentation (12 mins presentation + 3 mins Q&A)
  • Quan Li, Haipeng Zeng, Zhenhui Peng and Xiaojuan Ma.
    Understanding Players' Interaction Patterns with Mobile Game App UI via Visualizations.
    ShanghaiTech University, Sun Yat-sen University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • Yancong Zhu, Di Zhu and Wei Liu.
    Do Not to Be a Trash Can for Other People's Bad Emotions-Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Psychological Counselors.
    Beijing Normal University.
  • Mingming Fan and Lingyun Zhu.
    Think-Aloud Verbalizations for Identifying User Experience Problems: Effects of Language Proficiency with Chinese Non-Native English Speakers.
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • Yunxing Liu, Jean-Bernard Martens, Vassilis-Javed Khan and Tjeu van Bussel.
    Researching for GIS Annotation -- the Design of a Conversational Annotation Interface.
    Eindhoven University of Technology, Sappi Europe.
  • Sibo Pan, Xipei Ren, Steven Vos and Aarnout Brombacher.
    Digital Tools to Promote Healthy Eating for Working-Age Individuals: A Scoping Review.
    Eindhoven University of Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Fontys University of Applied Science.
15:15 PM - 16:15 PM Closing Keynote
Huaming Qu: VIS+AI: A Visual Analytics Approach for Human-AI Collaboration

Brief Intro: We live in the era of big data and AI. Data is everywhere and decision-makings become more and more data-driven. With tremendous amounts of data, massive computational power, and advances in machine learning algorithms especially deep learning, AI has become very powerful and made decisions for us every day. However, issues with model transparency and interpretability limit the adoption of AI in domains like healthcare, security, and finance. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) tries to make AI systems and their actions more understandable and transparent to humans. Visual analytics has been playing an important role in XAI. In this talk, I will introduce how visual analytics can help with different types of explainability (e.g., local vs. global explanation, white-box vs. black -box explanation) and the visual analytics techniques developed for specific AI techniques like Random Forest, CNN, RNN, LSTM, GNN, and Automated Machine Learning (AML). Case studies with human-powered AI in different application domains like supply chain management, E-learning, and health care will be presented. I will conclude the talk by discussing some emerging research topics for human-AI collaboration.

Brief Bio: Prof. Huamin Qu is a chair professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and is also the director of the interdisciplinary programs office (IPO) of HKUST. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the Stony Brook University. He is the director of the VisLab at HKUST and serves as the coordinator of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) group. His main research interests are in visualization and human-computer interaction, with focuses on urban informatics, social network analysis, E-learning, text visualization, and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). He has co-authored about 200 refereed papers and more than 80 papers are published in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) and ACM CHI. His research has been recognized by many awards including 14 best paper/honorable mention awards, AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award, IBM Faculty Award, and Distinguished Collaborator Award from Huawei Noah's Ark Lab. In 2020, Huamin was inducted into the IEEE VIS Visualization Academy which highlights the significant accomplishments of leaders in the data visualization field.

16:15 PM - 16:30 PM Awards & Closing Ceremony

꧁ Best Paper Award ꧂

Quan Li, Haipeng Zeng, Zhenhui Peng and Xiaojuan Ma. Understanding Players' Interaction Patterns with Mobile Game App UI via Visualizations

꧁ Best Paper Honorable Mention ꧂

Yu-Jung Ko, Hang Zhao, Iv Ramakrishnan, Shumin Zhai and Xiaojun Bi. Issues Related to Using Finger-Fitts law to Model One-Dimensional Touch Pointing Tasks


Type Fee
Author $100

Go to registration
* Registration is not needed for non-author attendees

Call for Papers


We invite you to submit papers to Chinese CHI 2021. Like past years, papers in all areas of human-computer interaction are welcome for submission, including:

  • User Experience and Usability
  • Specific Application Areas
  • Health, Accessibility and Aging
  • Privacy, Security and Visualization
  • Interaction Beyond the Individual
  • Games and Play
  • Design
  • Interaction Techniques, Devices and Modalities
  • Understanding People: Theory, Concepts, Methods
  • Engineering Interactive Systems and Technologies

On top of that, we particularly welcome HCI submissions related to the Chinese cultural context. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Technology use or development in the Chinese context
  • Understanding Chinese users
  • Interaction techniques tailored to Chinese users
  • Community engagement in China

Papers must present original materials and will be assessed on their contributions to the field by expert reviewers. Like past years, we plan to have all accepted papers included in the conference proceedings and published through the ACM Digital Library and Ei Compendex. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present at Chinese CHI 2021. Outstanding papers in Chinese CHI 2021 will be awarded Best Papers and Honorable Mentions.

Important Dates

  • Submission Due: July 15 23:59 (extend to August 5 23:59), 2021 AoE
  • Paper Notification: September 18th, 2021 AoE

Submission Guidelines


Papers must be anonymized and in PDF file format. Please use the ACM Master Article Templates for submissions. Chinese CHI 2021 will be employing the ACM submission process. Submissions may be up to 20 pages in the single-column format (excluding references). Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. A new idea presented in a compact format is more likely to be accepted than the same idea in a long format. Long papers need to include very strong contributions to warrant acceptance. Shorter, more focused papers are also highly encouraged. We highly encourage including videos in submissions for a more vivid illustration. All materials, such as papers, videos, and supplementary files, must be submitted electronically via the Easychair.


ChineseCHI 2021 accepts paper submissions in English.

Review Process

Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind process, and authors must ensure that their names and affiliations do not appear on the submitted papers. The author and affiliation sections of the ACM Master Article Templates must be left blank. In case of acceptance, authors will be asked to provide a camera-ready copy that includes this information, along with any recommended improvements as suggested by the reviewers.


Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.

File Size

Please note that the maximum size of a submission (including all materials) is 100Mb. If there is a requirement that exceeds this limit, please contact the conference chairs to make alternative arrangements.


One author of each accepted paper must register for the conference before the early registration deadline and present the work.

Call for Late Breaking Work


We invite you to submit preliminary work and work-in-progress relevant to the area of Chinese HCI to our Late Breaking Work (LBW) session. These may include ground-breaking work that has not been fully implemented or empirically validated, early student research and other work that are better delivered in an interactive format. We highly encourage including videos in submissions for a more vivid illustration. LBW presenters will present their work during the LBW Session assigned by the conference committee. All accepted LBW will be included in the conference proceedings and be published through the ACM Digital Library and Ei Compendex.

Important Dates

  • Submission Due: August 10 23:59 (extend to August 20 23:59), 2021 AoE
  • Paper Notification: September 20, 2021 AoE

Submission Guidelines


Late Breaking Work must be anonymized and in PDF file format. We eliminate the traditional extended abstract format (landscape) and use the same template as full papers. Submissions must be up to 8 pages long in the single-column format (not including references). All materials, such as LBW, videos, and supplementary files, must be submitted electronically via the Easychair. The maximum size of a submission (including all materials) is 100Mb.


Chinese CHI 2021 accepts Late Breaking Work submissions in English.

Submission Template

Please use the ACM Master Article Templates: Download the Word/LaTeX Master Article templates.


One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference before the early registration deadline and present the work.

Committee Members

Program Committee (Papers)

Reviewer Affiliation
Anhong Guo Carnegie Mellon University
Boyu Gao Jinan University
Cheng Yao Zhejiang University
Chi Zhang Swansea University
Chuang-Wen You National Tsing Hua University
Da-Yuan Huang National Taiwan University
Haijun Xia University of Toronto
Hai-Ning Liang Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Haojian Jin Carnegie Mellon University
Hongbo Fu City University of Hong Kong
Huiyue Wu Sun Yat-sen University
Jun Gong Dartmouth College
Kening Zhu City University of Hong Kong
Leijing Zhou Zhejiang University
Preben Hansen Stockholm University
Ray Lc City University of Hong Kong
Shaowei Chu Zhejiang University of Media & Communications
Tao Bi University College London
Te-Yen Wu Dartmouth College
Wei Liu Beijing Normal University
Xin Tong Stanford University
Xu Wang University of Michigan
Yang Zhang Carnegie Mellon University
Yaxing Yao University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Ye Tao Zhejiang University City College
Yuhang Zhao Cornell University
Zhicong Lu Tsinghua University
Zhigang Chen Shanghai University

Program Committee (LBWs)

Reviewer Affiliation
Jianzhe Gu Carnegie Mellon University
Xiaofu Jin The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Emily Kuang Rochester Institute of Technology
Zhen Li University of Toronto
Nianlong Li Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jiaji Li Zhejiang University
Franklin Mingzhe Li Carnegie Mellon University
Jiannan Li University of Toronto
Xuanhui Liu Zhejiang University
Danli Luo Carnegie Mellon University
Yue Pan Zhejiang University
Yingying She Xiamen University
Qi Wang Tongji University
Zikai Alex Wen The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Aoyu Wu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yukang Yan Tsinghua University
Yue Yang Zhejiang University
Linping Yuan The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Lekai Zhang Zhejiang University of Technology